Services & Pricing
Not a comprehensive list, meant to give a general idea of what I can do for you. if there’s something you need that is not on this list, please inquire
Career coaching/goal setting/planning
Develop artist statement
Assess/update CVs and resumes
Write/edit professional bios
Develop portfolio/work documentation
Opportunity research & analysis (grants, residencies)
Review and edit written material
Review/assess website content
Networking ideation for career or project
Support development of application materials for Higher Ed: MFA, PhD
Support clarity for vocational intentions
Support program/pedagogical development for teaching & workshops
Support practical material decisions for artists
Project planning
Coach on budget/timeline creation
Talking/thinking partner to clarify vision
Brainstorm marketing & networking strategies
Application support for grants and residencies
Create customized grants/opportunities planner
Strategize to meet grantmaker/residency priorities
Craft coherent narratives, timelines
Create aligned budget
Review work samples
Mission/vision articulation
Program descriptions
Grants research
Create and maintain grants/opportunities spreadsheet
Project and program budgets
Grant writing and reporting support
Writing fundraising and/or donor emails
Writing organizational bios
Support program/pedagogical development for teaching & workshops
Assess/update CVs and resumes
Write/edit professional bios
Professional letters
for recommending a colleague or student
for communicating with a presenter or employer
Edit book
Edit thesis
Outside eye/rehearsal visits as possible
Write/edit press release
Develop marketing and community building plans
Review venue agreements
Graphic design
Social media assets
Printable merch: T-shirt, sticker, mug, etc
Flyers, posters
Free inquiry call
Click here to book a 15 minute call where I can answer your specific questions and you can get to know me a little bit.
Discovery is a comprehensive, one hour deep dive into your specific needs via videoconference or phone. It results in a clear plan for moving forward. It helps me understand what you want to accomplish and helps both of us understand how much time is needed and what steps can be taken. Required for new clients, recommended for returnees. The meeting is a basis for me to write up a scope of work that you can use as a map to reach your goal(s). In some cases the discovery fee may also cover the cost of a single small project. If you have a big job, or multiple projects you can opt for one of the retainers below. You could also take the result of the Discovery to another helper or use the map on your own. A Discovery session is $125 USD.
Purchasing a retainer entitles you to unlimited support based on my capacity and your needs, for the length of time period that you select. The retainer prices are based on what I think we low-income artists can bear for ongoing services, and assume that I will have a number of clients at the same time. It will be a dance and negotiation. Purchase of Discovery meeting is highly recommended before entering into a retainer agreement.
12 months @ $150/month
12 months @ $1,750
6 months @ $160/month
6 months @ $950
3 months @ $170/month
3 months @ $500
1 month $250
Tip option, saying thanks