Hourly Services - writing/editing or consultation

Hourly Services - writing/editing or consultation


Please enter the number of hours you want to pay for. I will send you an email and we can get started.

How much does it cost to write a grant?

It depends on how complex the grant is, and how clear you are about your project plan, timeline, budget, and work samples. I usually estimate 1-2 hours per narrative question as a general guide. You can tell me how many hours you want me to spend on your project in order to control your outlay. I do NOT take a percentage of your grant if awarded.

How does your grant writing service work?

First of all I will ask you what opportunity you are applying for so I can I check out all the guidelines and the grant application requirements (narrative questions, attachments needed, work sample requirements, etc.) You either send me a draft of whatever you have that I can edit, or I will arrange to interview you about the project to get it all down on paper. We will go back and forth with drafts until you are satisfied. You make the final submission.

Do you review work samples?

Yes. I can advise on work samples: videos, image files, etc. and help you pick the most appropriate section of your work for your grant.

What if I don’t get the grant?

If you don’t get the grant, you will still have a valuable, cogent, actionable plan that you can use to move forward with your project in small steps, as well as language you can modify for other funders and marketing materials. If you want more support with moving forward, I’m available to consult on that.

What do you include in a consultation?

A consultation is an online or phone meeting where I listen to your concerns and help you come up with solutions. Whether you are trying to deepen your creative practice, plan a new project, or start/manage a nonprofit, I have lots of experience and resources to share with you. You will get my meeting notes as well as any resource lists or other helpful documents.

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